Roadtrip 2023 Spring: Seaside - Waldport - Bend - Rock Creek Schoolhouse - Richland

Day 39 - Powder River Rec Area

Ella wonders where all the cows have got to.

Suddenly the skies open wide.

The question is - Who wants to be his customer?!

Re newed topographics at Powder River.

Spring springs riverside.

The perilous crossing of the Powder River.

View of the mighty Dam from the perilous crossing.

The Team on the far beach head. They make for the Dam.

Russ touches the secret rock and immediately sets off a billowing cloud formation.

How do they decide where to make this measurement and why? We also noted that the huge rock it is attached to split in half - so how accurate is this now? Regardless - they will come for you if you disturb it.

Every Dam has its weak spot. This one 's is that little triangular rock low-centre frame. Never move the little triangular rock.

Tiny lupins make a first showing.

Russ makes the daunting crossing - and lives to tell the story.

The Team retreats to the safety of the road side.

A hug from a friend always helps.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2022
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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